Oil Depollution & Filtration


The main cause of hydraulic circuit failure is the presence of loose particles circulating in the hydraulic fluid. These particles are generated either by maintenance or construction operations of hydraulic networks (silica, textile fibers, filings, etc.) or by the destruction of an operating component such as pumps, valves, etc.

Hydraulic depollution consists of eliminating pollutants by filtering the oil by circulating at high speed in a closed circuit in the networks through filters whose filtration threshold is established by the required cleanliness class.

Efficiency control

Hydraulic pollution control by oil filtration is carried out either continuously by an electronic particle counter (NAS 1638 and ISO 4406 standards) or by a sample analyzed by counting under a microscope (NF 48651 standard).

Hydrochem has several autonomous filtration units adapted to the installations of our customers. These groups equipped with filtering elements generally at 3m have a capacity of 200 liters per minute at 53 bars up to 2600 liters per minute at 12 bars.

Depending on your installations and your constraints, different processes can be used to carry out the maintenance of your networks: hydraulic pollution control, hydraulic flushing, etc.

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